NPI Number Lookup

Swiftly search NPPES registry by NPI number or individual/organizational details.

Crafted for Healthcare Providers and Medical Billing Companies

Accelerating Seamless Access to National Provider Identifiers for Improved Patient Care, Billing Accuracy, and Operational Excellence

Instant NPI Lookup

Advanced Search Filters

Batch NPI Search

Real-Time Updates

User-Friendly Interface

Mobile Accessibility


What Our Users Says

User Testimonials: Stories of Delight and Satisfaction

I've been using the NPI Lookup tool for several months now, and it's significantly streamlined our verification process. Being able to swiftly search and confirm NPI numbers and associated provider details has saved us countless hours. A must-have tool for any healthcare organization!

Musharof Chy
Musharof Chy

Founder @TailGrids

The NPI Lookup site has been a game-changer for our practice. The accuracy and speed of information retrieval are unmatched. It's user-friendly and provides all the necessary details we need for compliance and verification processes. Highly recommend!

Devid Weilium
Devid Weilium

Founder @UIdeck

As a small clinic, we often struggled with the administrative burden of verifying NPI numbers. This NPI Lookup tool has made that a thing of the past. It's easy to navigate, provides instant results, and the detailed information helps us make informed decisions quickly.

Lethium Frenci
Lethium Frenci

Founder @Lineicons

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Frequently asked questions

What exactly is an NPI number?

An NPI (National Provider Identifier) number is a unique 10-digit identification code issued to health care providers and organizations in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It is used in administrative and financial transactions to identify providers in a standardized way.

How can I use the NPI Lookup site to find a provider's NPI number?

To find a provider's NPI number, simply enter the provider's name, organization name, or the NPI number if you have it, into the search bar. You can also refine your search by adding location details or specialty, which will help narrow down the results to find the exact information you're looking for.

Is there a charge to use the NPI Lookup service?

No, our NPI Lookup service is completely free to use. We aim to provide easy access to NPI information for healthcare professionals, organizations, and the general public without any cost.

How current is the NPI info provided through the NPI Lookup?

Our NPI data is updated regularly to ensure that you have access to the most current and accurate information available. We synchronize our database with the NPPES (National Plan and Provider Enumeration System) records, which are maintained and updated by CMS.

Can I find a provider's license number or others on the NPI Lookup?

While the primary focus of the NPI Lookup site is to provide NPI numbers and basic information related to healthcare providers and organizations, some listings may include additional details such as license numbers or credentials, depending on the information available through NPPES.

What should I do if I notice incorrect info in a provider's listing?

If you come across any information that appears to be incorrect or outdated, please let us know through the contact or feedback option on our site. We are committed to maintaining the accuracy of our database and appreciate your help in keeping our information up-to-date.